Tag Archives: big apple comic con dwayne mendez betty felon cosplay hank venture evil ernie village voice

super run away.

Betty Felon as Hank Venture as Batman

Dwayne Mendez as Evil Ernie

Comic book conventions have been my go to assignment for the Village Voice over the past couple of years and even back in the SF Weekly days I would often do the Cosplay portraits. By now, everyone ever has heard of cosplay and the amount of photographers at these conventions now is kind of gnarly (i think the next series is going to be on said sketchy photographers).

Above are my two personal favorites from the weekend, but as a guy who spent a lot of his time shooting in reportage style, sometimes shooting verticals kills me (the eye doesnt see in vertical man!). A lot of my favorite shots ever have been horizontal, excluding anything by Avedon.  However, I do feel like verticals do serve a purpose in terms of portraiture and layout, but I decided to get all fancy with the shots above and throw them straight up into 16×9 aspect ratio, and the entire feel of the photos change. Plus you can see their faces and details better. Also, Dwayne Mendez scares the crap out of me. (click to view large)

Gallery lives here www.villagevoice.com/slideshow/big-apple-comic-con-2011-33382673/

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